The present English alphabet consists of 26 letters, each of which has an upper- and lower-case version. It was derived from Latin script in the 7th century. Letters have been added or removed since then, resulting in the current Modern English alphabet, which consists of 26 letters with no diacritics, digraphs, or special characters. The Greek alphabet’s first two letters, alpha and beta, are combined to form the word alphabet.

Vowels: A, E, I, O, U. Consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Z.


A vowel is a syllabic spoken sound that is pronounced without any vocal tract stricture. Vowels are one of the two main types of speech sounds, with consonants being the other. The quality, loudness, and number of vowels varies (length). They are usually voiced and play an important role in prosodic variation like tone, intonation, and emphasis.

The word vowel is derived from the Latin word vocalis, which means “to speak” (i.e. relating to the voice).

The word vowel is frequently used in English to refer to both vowel sounds and the written symbols that represent them (a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y).

The phonological definition of “vowel” may not always match the phonetic definition (i.e. a sound produced without constriction in the vocal tract) (i.e. a sound that forms the peak of a syllable). The approximants [j] and [w] show this: both have little constriction in the vocal tract (thus phonetically they appear to be vowel-like), but they occur at the beginning of syllables (e.g., in “yet” and “wet”), implying that they are consonants phonologically. In rhotic dialects, there is a similar controversy over whether a word like bird has an r-colored vowel / or a syllabic consonant /.


A consonant is a sound that is not a vowel in speech. It also refers to the letters of the alphabet that represent certain sounds: consonants include Z, B, T, G, and H.

All non-vowel sounds, or their equivalent letters, are consonants: A, E, I, O, U, and occasionally Y are not consonants. H and T are consonants in hat. A consonant can also be used as an adjective to indicate things that appear to be compatible, or things that are “agreeable.” You may remark that a country’s aid offer is in line with its treaties. Consonant sounds are pleasant to hear in music, as opposed to “dissonant” sounds, which are unpleasant.

Linguists have invented systems such as the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to assign a unique and unambiguous symbol to each confirmed consonant because the number of speech sounds in the world’s languages is significantly greater than the number of letters in any one alphabet. Because there are fewer consonant letters in the English alphabet than there are consonant sounds in the English language, digraphs like ch, sh, th, and ng are employed to extend the alphabet, however some letters and digraphs represent more than one consonant. For example, the sound spelt th in “this” is not the same as the sound spelled th in “thin.

What is a long vowel word?

Long vowels are letters in which the sounds of the letters A, E, I, O, and U correspond to the letter’s spoken name. Typically, they are taught from preschool to first grade. A word with a short vowel is frequently turned into a word with a long vowel by adding a silent letter “e” to the end of the word.

Consider the following scenario:

“Mat” becomes “mate” by adding the letter “e.”

“Win” becomes “wine” by adding a “e.”

“Hope” becomes “hope” by adding the letter “e.”

“Tub” becomes “tube” by adding a “e.”

The letter “e” is an exception, as the rule of adding a silent “e” does not apply.

There are other similar exclusions that can be confusing to children when they first begin. It necessitates the teacher staging the lesson in order to present each rule and exception separately. You, as a parent, can begin assisting at home by working closely with the teacher.

E Words with a Long E in a sentence

The words in bold contain the long E sound.

To be or not to be, that is the question. That is the issue.

Pete intends to see her again as soon as possible.

On the high beam, the gymnast shines.

The ethics board deemed the actions to be unacceptable.

At the deli, there was quite a scene.


English Words that End with a Silent E

Let’s go over the letter’s purpose now that you’ve gone over a few words in the English language that end in a silent “e.” Although the silent “e” does not create a sound, it has a purpose. The following are the effects of a silent “e” at the end of a word on its pronunciation.

A silent “e” can transform a short vowel into a long vowel. The “e” in code and wine, for example, stops them from being cod and win. They can produce the long sound and utter their names because of the “e.” (It’s for this reason that the silent “e” is sometimes known as the bossy “e.”)

A silent “e” can transform a short vowel into a long vowel. The “e” in code and wine, for example, stops them from being cod and win. They can produce the long sound and utter their names because of the “e.” (It’s for this reason that the silent “e” is sometimes known as the bossy “e.”)

Certain harsher-sounding vowels can likewise be made softer by using a silent “e.” The harsh sounds of “c” and “g” do not appear in the terms grace and age, as they do in the words cat and good.

However, there are a few cases where a silent “e” has no effect on how you pronounce a word.

Because English words do not usually finish in “v,” terms like perceive and above have a “e” that has no effect on how they are pronounced. This criterion also applies to words ending in “u,” such as cue and true.

Singular words do not appear to be multiple because of the silent “e.” Consider the term “moose.” If the “e” was removed, the result would be moos, which appears to be the plural version of moo.

The silent “e” has no influence on pronunciation in several cases. The three-letter words ore and are are examples of this.