Words with 12 letters

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Hassle-Free Tool
Our free online twelve letter words with these letters is a hassle-free and effective tool to generate 12 letter words efficiently. To access the tool there is no need to download or register an account. Either ACADEMICALLY or to win a word game, you just need to visit our website wordswithletters.org to get all the valid 12 letter words that you are looking for with ease.
Highest Scoring Words
Choose the right words of 12 letters that score the highest points in any online word game like Scrabble and become an ideal game changer. The highest-scoring 12-letter word is RAZZMATAZZES which means displaying showy performance to attract and the word scores 51 points. Visit our website to increase your chance of winning every online word game by choosing the highest-scoring words with the help of our tool.
Professional Vocabulary Guide
Visit our free online PROFESSIONAL Word Finder Tool to generate CONTEMPORARY findings of 12 letter words that would enable you to reach the destination in no time. You can find all the 12 letter words of the English language easily using this amazing tool.
Unscramble The Letters
Input up to 15 scrambled letters in the search box to find 12 letter words that contain these letters to unscramble and find out the exact 12 letter word that you are looking for by using the INTELLECTUAL Advance Filters options incorporated within the tool. Visit our website today to experience the exceptional quality resources of our tool.
Modify The Results With Specific Needs
Our twelve letter words with these letters tool can customize the search results by using our Advanced Filters such as words that start and end with particular letters, contain certain letters, and include and exclude specific letters to find all the cheats of twelve letter words to compete in any online word games like Wordmeister, Scrabble, Words with Friends, etc. Visit our website to boost your UNBELIEVABLE chances of winning the games.
Easy Reachability of Multiple Dictionaries
Learn lengthy or challenging 12 letter word meanings instantly with the support of easy REACHABILITY of multiple dictionaries like SOWPODS, TWL06, Dictionary, and Enable. So, just enter the letters of your choice and get all the available 12 letter words with complete meaning that outshines your vocabulary or online word games. Expertise your English proficiency with the help of our tool.

How to


How to Find 12 Letter Words with These Letters:

1. Enter random letters up to 15 letters in the search box.
2. Click on the search button to generate twelve letter words with these letters.
3. Apply advanced filters to find the exact 12 letter word that you are looking for.
4. Use the dictionary to learn the meaning and validity of the word.


What are the top scoring 12 letter words in Scrabble?
The top scoring 12 letter words in Scrabble are razzmatazzes, jeopardizing, juvenilizing, quickfreezes, zygapophysis, zygapophyses, quizzicality, quizzability, zygomorphism, zemmiphobics, quicksilvery, zygodactylic, zanthoxylums, journalizing, rhizomorphic, journalizers, zygomorphous, zygomorphies, zymochemical, coequalizing, hypnoidizing, porphyrizing, quickstepped, quacksalving, peroxidizing, azoxybenzoic, quixotically, hydroxylized, hydrobenzoin, subzygomatic, and zymotechnics.
How many 12 letter words are present in the TWL06 Scrabble dictionary?
There are 12,084 twelve letter words present in the TWL06 Scrabble dictionary.
How many 12 letter words are present in the SOWPODS Scrabble dictionary?
There are 21,025 twelve letter words present in the SOWPODS Scrabble dictionary.
How many 12 letter words are present in Enable Wordfinder dictionary?
There are 10,645 twelve letter words present in Enable Wordfinder dictionary.
What are a few 12 letter words with no repeating letters?
These words are called isograms, or heterograms. Here are a few 12-letter isograms: Strengths, Facetiousness, Transmutation, Gymnastics (This is a common one!), Fitzwilliam (Less common, but a proper noun)
How many 12 letter words are there in English?
The English language has many words, and it's not easy to count them all. But if we look at words that are exactly 12 letters long, we find different numbers depending on where we look. The TWL06 Scrabble dictionary has 12,084 of these words. The SOWPODS Scrabble dictionary, which is used more around the world, has 21,025 twelve-letter words. Also, there's another list called the Enable Wordfinder dictionary that has 10,645 twelve-letter words. These numbers help us understand how rich and diverse the English language is, especially for word games.
What are a few common 12 letter words?
A few common 12 letter words are alliteration, unidentified, intermittent, Pennsylvania, exacerbation, independence, commensalism, intelligence, relationship, thanksgiving, professional, organization, sporadically, intimidating, abolitionist, onomatopoeia, appreciation, annunciation, malnutrition, architecture, biodiversity, acceleration, interdiction, trigonometry, communicator, bodybuilding, perspiration, appertaining, resurrection, constipation, civilization, velociraptor, retrocession, expectations, ambidextrous, cytoskeleton, and hippopotamus.
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word subjectivize?
Meaning - To make it subjective. Score - 36
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word bedazzlement?
Meaning - It is the state in which a person is very impressed with somebody's intelligence, beauty, etc. Score - 35
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word zygapophysis?
Meaning - It is process of the neural arch of vertebra that interlocks with corresponding parts of adjacent vetebra. Score - 35
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word extravaganza?
Meaning - A lavish or an expensive event. Score - 35
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word methoxychlor?
Meaning - A synthetic organochloride insecticide. Score - 32
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word lymphography?
Meaning - It is the method of examining the lymph nodes using X-rays. Score - 31
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word checkmarking?
Meaning - To do a checkmark. Score- 30
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word stockjobbing?
Meaning - Practice of buying and selling a stock for a profit. Score - 30
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word misemphasize?
Meaning -To emphasize in a wrong way. Score - 30
What is the meaning and score in Scrabble of 12 letter word lyophilizing?
Meaning - It is the process to preserve the substance by freezing it. Score - 30
Is puzzleheaded a Scrabble word?
Yes, puzzleheaded is a Scrabble word.
Is razzmatazzes a Scrabble word?
Yes, razzmatazzes is a Scrabble word.
Is quinquennium a Scrabble word?
Yes, quinquennium is a Scrabble word.
Is phagocytized a Scrabble word?
Yes, phagocytized is a Scrabble word.
Is bodychecking a Scrabble word?
Yes, bodychecking is a Scrabble word.
Is bolshevizing a Scrabble word?
Yes, bolshevizing is a Scrabble word.
Is quarterbacks a Scrabble word?
Yes, quarterbacks is a Scrabble word.
Is showbizziest a Scrabble word?
Yes, showbizziest is a Scrabble word.
Is hypercomplex a Scrabble word?
Yes, hypercomplex is a Scrabble word.
Is dichotomized a Scrabble word?
Yes, dichotomized is a Scrabble word.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'TNIENRPOIETC'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'TNIENRPOIETC' is interception.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'DCRENIOIEPAT'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'DCRENIOIEPAT' is depreciation.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'ECTNAQCANIAU'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'ECTNAQCANIAU' is acquaintance.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'RSOUITNUBMAC'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'RSOUITNUBMAC' is rambunctious.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'PCAHONISHPIM'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'PCAHONISHPIM' is championship.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'XTNOIAPERESA'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'XTNOIAPERESA' is exasperation.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'REVLISKUQICE'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'REVLISKUQICE' is quicksilver.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'CHOPINIRDUAQCC'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'CHOPINIRDUAQCC' is quadriphonic.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'QCNOUCESESNE'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'QCNOUCESESNE' is consequences.
How many 12 letter words can you create with the letters 'BABIAVRNOIET'?
The 12 letter word that you can create with the letters 'BABIAVRNOIET' is abbreviation.
What are a few nouns, verbs, and adjectives with 12 letter words?
Nouns (12 Letters): Constellation (a group of stars), Pronunciation (the way a word is spoken), Exhilaration (a feeling of excitement), Synchronization (the act of happening at the same time), Magnification (making something appear larger)Verbs (12 Letters): Congratulate (to express pleasure to someone), Hummingbird (to move very quickly), Oscillate (to swing back and forth), Magnify (to make something appear larger), Discombobulate (to confuse or bewilder)Adjectives (12 Letters): Melancholic (sad), Extraordinary (very unusual or remarkable), Magnanimous (generous and forgiving), Ambidextrous (able to use both hands equally well), Intergalactic (between galaxies)
What are 12 letter words containing the vowel E?
There are many 12-letter words containing the vowel E. Here are a few examples:Common: Abbreviation, Establishment, Independence, Necessarily, Reasonable Less Common: Aberrational (meaning strange or unusual), Abstentionism (the act of refusing to participate), Ecclesiastical (related to the church), Exhilaration (feeling of excitement), Magnification (making something appear larger)With multiple Es: Facetiousness (playful humor), Freewheelers (bicycles without a fixed gear), Screenwriters (people who write movie scripts)
What are the 12 letter words with a double letter?
Here are some examples of 12-letter words with a double letter:Common: Applications, Attributions, Irregularity, Eccentricity, IlluminatingLess Common: Hippopotamus, Professional, Mountaineers, Guaranteed, DelightfullyWith interesting double letters: Subjectivize (double Z), Blackberries (double B), Marshmallows (double L), Unofficially (double L)
What are a few words with 12 letters that do not have an A in them?
Here are a few 12-letter words that don't have the letter A: Common: Symptoms, Conclusions, Constellations, Strengthener, Contingency Less Common: Exhilaration (feeling of excitement), Bibliophiles (lovers of books), Transmutation (the act of changing from one form to another), Gymnastics, Syllabication (division of words into syllables)
Are 12 letter words allowed in Scrabble?
Yes, 12-letter words are allowed in Scrabble, as long as they fit on the game board and are included in the dictionary that the players have agreed to use for reference. The Scrabble board is 15 tiles wide and 15 tiles high, so a 12-letter word can easily fit. Players often use words of various lengths, from two letters up to the maximum that can fit on the board, to score points. The key is that the word must be recognized by the specific dictionary in use, such as the TWL06 or the SOWPODS for English language games, both of which include many 12-letter words.
What is the importance of 12-letter words in word games?
Twelve-letter words are significant in word games and puzzles because they often represent a higher difficulty level. Solving or finding these words can be a challenging and rewarding task, as it requires a good grasp of vocabulary and spelling. Additionally, in games like Scrabble or Words with Friends, longer words can yield higher points.
How can I find 12-letter words using a specific set of letters?
To find 12-letter words using a specific set of letters, you can use word finder tools available online, such as anagram solvers or word unscrambler websites. These tools allow you to input your set of letters and specify the word length you're looking for, providing you with a list of possible words that meet the criteria.
Are there any strategies for creating 12-letter words from a random set of letters?
Yes, there are several strategies. One approach is to look for common prefixes (e.g., 'un-', 're-', 'dis-') and suffixes (e.g., '-ing', '-tion', '-ment') that can be attached to shorter words to extend them. Another strategy is to group letters that commonly appear together in English words (e.g., 'ch', 'th', 'qu') and see if they can serve as building blocks for longer words.
Can learning 12-letter words improve my language skills?
Absolutely! Engaging with longer words can significantly enhance your vocabulary, spelling, and understanding of word formation. It can also improve cognitive abilities like memory and pattern recognition, useful skills in both language learning and daily communication.
How often do new 12-letter words get added to the English language?
The English language is constantly evolving, with new words being added to dictionaries every year. The frequency of new 12-letter words being introduced depends on various factors, including technological advancements, cultural shifts, and the natural evolution of language. Keeping up with reputable dictionary updates or language news sources can help you stay informed about new word additions.

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About The Author


RK Shree - A science enthusiast with a poetic flair, and possesses an insatiable desire to explore diverse fields seeking new knowledge and experiences. My work ethic is highly disciplined and dedicated. I take pleasure in pursuing creative endeavors that captivate me.