Words with double letters are often misspelled, especially if the words contain more than one set of double letters. Words that start with double letters are often omitted with single letters and these confusions are very common. Baloon or Balloon which is correct? Confused?



What words that start with double letters are animals?

Examples of such double letters animal words are aardvark and eel

What are some commonly used words with double letters?

Some commonly used words with double letters are doom, door, fall, feed, feel, fell, feet, food, fool, foot, full, fuss, keep, knee, less, mall, mood, need, pall, and pass.

What are the words with three sets of consecutive double letters?

Bookkeeper, bookkeeping, and sweet-toothed are some examples of words with 3 sets of consecutive double letters.

What are some words that start with the double letter A?

Some words that start with the double letter A are aardvark and aardwolf.

What are some words that start with the double letter E?

Some words that start with the double letter E are eek, eel, een, eech, eels, eely, eery, eelier, eerier.

What are some words with the double letter A?

Some words with double letter A are balmacaans, kamaainas, laagering, baasskaps, baaskaaps, aardvarks, aasvogels, quaaludes, salaaming.

What are some top scoring double letter words in Scrabble?

Some top scoring double letter words in scrabble are squeezy, jeez, jiffy, zappy, zippy, quizzify, katzenjammers, hyperimmunizing, zootaxy, wheezily, and squeeze.

What are some commonly used words that start with double letters?

Some commonly used words that start with the double letters are www, eel, eek, oops, ooze, eerie, llama, oozing.

What are some commonly misspelled words that contain double letters?

Some commonly misspelled words that contain double letters are balloon, dumbbell, embarrass, millennium, misspell, occurrence, possession, broccoli, occasionally, questionnaire, coolly, dissipate, difference, generally, and incidentally. magically, success.

What are some commonly used words with two sets of double letters?

Some commonly used words with 2 sets of double letters are Balloon, Aggressive, Aggression, Coffee, Millennium, Mattress, Football, Commission, Lessee, Embarrass, Foolishness, Happiness, Misspelled, Misspelling, and Toffee.